Who has been involved in Media and journalism, teaching political system, international relations and media research for more than 20 years, has published more than one and a half dozen books. Among them are Awataran-(2075) The Safe Lading (2018) and Profession Journalism (2010). Kandel is the Founder Chairman and Editor –In– Chief of ABC Television and NepalPages.com. Under his leadership, the ‘Center for Asian Policy Research and Studie)’ (CAPS) is studying and researching various topics of social science. Kandel’s analytical articles on contemporary politics continue to be published in national and international media. Kandel, a postgraduate in mass communication, political science and international relations, has done a comparative study of the left and democratic movements of Nepal. Sharada Sharma and Kandel is a couple Sharman graduates in Nepali literature and post graduates in political science. They have visited more than 40 countries.

Shubha Shankar Kandel